Rör Vandoren B-klarinett

Screen Rotate by Angelique Hering from the Noun Project

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Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (Traditional)

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The most widely played reeds in the professional world.
Superiority proven over the years . These reeds suit all styles of music.
Traditionals are known for their excellent response in all registers :
• excellent response in all registers, allowing a pianissimo attack in even the highest notes.
• extremely flexible, allowing the legato or staccato execution of large intervals
• gives body and clarity to the sound.

BildNamnantal såldaPrisLagersaldoKöp
Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 1,0 - 10-pack1355kr Inkl.moms

21 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 1,5 - 10-pack23355kr Inkl.moms

1 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 2,0 - 10-pack37355kr Inkl.moms

37 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 2,5 - 10-pack53355kr Inkl.moms

22 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 3,0 - 10-pack63355kr Inkl.moms

33 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 3,5 - 10-pack67355kr Inkl.moms

79 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 4,0 - 10-pack4355kr Inkl.moms

21 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V5 (traditional) 5,0 - 10-pack1355kr Inkl.moms

5 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12

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The longer palette means that more of the reed is vibrating, resulting in a deeper, richer sound.
Bb clarinet V•12 reeds are manufactured from cane tubes with the same diameter as cane used for alto saxophone reeds.

As a result, they have a thicker heel and are cut on a longer palette with a slightly thicker tip than the Traditional. The longer palette means that more of the reed is vibrating, resulting in a deeper, richer sound. The thicker tip gives body to the attack and also increases the longevity of the reed.

The introduction of the 3 1⁄2+ strength allows a smaller and more specific gradation, resulting in reeds that are more consistent within the same strength. Resulting in reeds that are more consistent within the same strength.

BildNamnantal såldaPrisLagersaldoKöp
Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 2,5 10-pack26470kr Inkl.moms

21 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 3,0 10-pack114470kr Inkl.moms

21 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 3,5 10-pack327470kr Inkl.moms

68 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 3,5+ 10-pack360470kr Inkl.moms

72 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 4,0 10-pack93470kr Inkl.moms

33 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 4,5 10-pack21470kr Inkl.moms

12 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 5,0 10-pack3470kr Inkl.moms

9 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V12 5+ 10-pack2470kr Inkl.moms

2 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic

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“56 rue Lepic” reeds offer a rich and focused sound.
Designed from thicker cane with a heel taper very similar to German-style reeds, the 56 rue Lepic emits a rich, centered, and extremely pure sound while providing maximum stability and quick response in all registers.

Strength gradations are smaller and more specific, resulting in reeds that are very consistent.

BildNamnantal såldaPrisLagersaldoKöp
Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic 2,5 10-pack5475kr Inkl.moms

20 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic 3,0 10-pack28475kr Inkl.moms

29 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic 3,5 10-pack9475kr Inkl.moms

37 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic 3,5+ 10-pack85475kr Inkl.moms

45 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic 4,0 10-pack15475kr Inkl.moms

6 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic 4,5 10-pack1475kr Inkl.moms

23 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett 56 Rue Lepic 5,0 10-pack3475kr Inkl.moms

3 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21

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The Bb clarinet V21 reed combines the shape of a 56 rue lepic reed with a V•12 profile.
This unique combination makes all registers of the clarinet more accessible with warmth and a depth of sound.

It will allow you to play with amazing presence and immediate response. V21 is the perfect reed for performances that require the ability to handle large interval leaps efficiently with an even and rich tone.

BildNamnantal såldaPrisLagersaldoKöp
Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21 2,5 10-pack7470kr Inkl.moms

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Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21 3,0 10-pack13470kr Inkl.moms

12 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21 3,5 10-pack17470kr Inkl.moms

11 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21 3,5+ 10-pack6470kr Inkl.moms

20 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21 4,0 10-pack41470kr Inkl.moms

19 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21 4,5 10-pack1470kr Inkl.moms

3 i lager (kan restnoteras)

Rör Vandoren B-klarinett V21 5,0 10-pack3470kr Inkl.moms

38 i lager (kan restnoteras)